Safety and Compliance
CBT Ltd. is committed to ensuring the health and safety of all workers, clients and visitors at every worksite through awareness and prevention of occupational injuries and illness.
CBT Ltd. acknowledges that accountability of Management and/or HSE Designate and all workers is a fundamental core value.
CBT Ltd. pursues the following Health, Safety and Environment Objectives , which are correspond with the benefits of the Small Employer Certificate of Recognition (SECOR) Program as issued by the Alberta Construction Safety Association, and of which CBT Ltd. is holder (ACSA):
- Create a proactive workplace health and safety culture.
- Reduce the risks and costs associated with workplace incidents.
- Lower Workers’ Compensation Board (WCB-) Alberta rates and qualify CBT Ltd. for WCB-Alberta PIR refunds (Partners in Injury Reduction)
- Improve the overall efficiency at the worksite.
- Meet or exceed the Health, Safety and Environment Standards of the Clients for whom we provide services.
Deran Oilfield Services is proud of our efforts to provide a safer workplace for our employees and yours. Our Certificate of Recognition (COR) is issued by the Alberta government and the Partnerships in Injury Reduction (PIR) program. Our COR guarantees that Deran is committed to giving you injury-free service by certifying that we developed and implemented an occupational health and safety program and met the standard for PIR.
As Prequalified Contractor through Avetta, ComplyWorks and IsNetWorld, CBT Ltd. voluntarily participates in ongoing monitoring by submitting health, safety, sustainability and procurement information for multiple Hiring Clients.